
About John Lilburne


Instituted Lector

Standing for Gloria on 23 June 2002


Lector instituted at Melbourne Cathedral

Archbishop Hart made Paul Pavlou an instituted lector at the 11.00 am Mass at St. Patrick's Cathedral in Melbourne yesterday, 6 October 2002.

Paul Pavlou wore an alb for the ceremony but did not read. Instead the readings were done by a man named Harry and a woman. There were other flaws in the Mass.

As well as having the institution of a lector there was also the Rite of Admission to Candidacy for Ordination as Deacons and Priests. This is forbidden by the instruction for this ceremony:

"3. The rite of admission may be celebrated on any day, but preferably on the greater feast days, in a church or other suitable place and either within Mass or at a celebration of the word of God. Because of its character this rite is never combined with ordinations or with the instution of readers or of acolytes." (The Rites Volume Two, ISBN 0-8146-6037-1, Liturgical Press, Minnesota, 1991, page 17)."

Archbishop Hart sat for the Kyrie and Gloria. He usually does that at the 11.00 am Sunday Mass, despite the instructions in the liturgical books to stand. In recent months he stood when the people sang parts of the Kyrie and sat when only the choir sang it. But for yesterday's Mass he sat even when the people were to do some of the singing.

The correct order is: Gospel, homily, Profession of Faith.
Yesterday it was: Gospel, Profession of Faith, homily. After the Gospel, Archbishop Hart directed everyone to remain standing and began the Profession of Faith.

Archbishop Denis J. Hart has gone to considerable lengths to promote the liturgy over many years. At the beginning of many of the Australian liturgical books, such as the Lectionary published in 1983, there is: "Concordat cum originali: Denis J. Hart".

In the Preface to Ceremonies of the Modern Roman Rite (Ignatius Press, ISBN 0-89870-526-6, 1995) Very Reverend Peter Elliott wrote:

"... In particular, I thank Rev. Denis J. Hart, former Consultor to the Congregation for Divine Worship and Master of Ceremonies of the Archdiocese of Melbourne. Fr. Hart applied his skill and experience in this field through a close study of the drafts of each chapter. ..."

In his homily of 25 September 2002 to the Guild of Saint Stephen Archbishop Hart said:

"... In church our focus is of course on God and not on people, on the Blessed Sacrament and not on priests and servers. But people can be drawn to the Lord because of how those in the sanctuary behave. The dignity and high standards of our priests and servers show reverence for God and so can help give a lead to the congregation. ..."

By J.R. Lilburne, 7 October 2002. I give what I have written on this page to the public domain.

Other Sites:

Archbishop Hart's homilies

Homily to Guild of Saint Stephen 25 September 2002