John Lilburne's comparison of the Order of Mass with only one minister, without a congregation, in the 1975 Roman Missal with the 2002 Roman Missal.



About John Lilburne

Roman Missal


Order of Mass Without a Congregation

The Roman Missal gives a second Order of Mass besides the normal one with a congregation.

It was called "The Order of Mass Without a Congregation" in the translation of the 1975 Roman Missal. Its Latin name was "Ordo Missae Sine Populo". But the 2002 Roman Missal has the title "Ordo Missae Cuius Unus Tantum Minister Participat".

I will compare the 1975 text (from The Sacramentary, Catholic Book Publishing Co, New York, 1985, page 1074) with the 2002 Roman Missal, page 665.

I have done a paragraph by paragraph comparison. When quoting Roman Missal text, the bold text is black and the normal text is red.

With the Latin text I have not typed it exactly as it appears in the Roman Missal. For example, "ae" should be one character.

1. The first sentence is replaced. The 1975 text was:
"Sacerdos, facta cum ministro debita reverentia, signat se, dicens: In nomine Patris ...". This has been replaced with: "Sacerdos ad altare cum ministro accedit et, facta cum eo profunda inclinatione, osculo altare veneratur et sedem petit. Tunc minister vel ipse sacerdos recitat antiphonam ad introitum. Deinde sacerdos et minister, stantes, signant se signo crucis, dum sacerdos, versus ad ministrum, dicit: In nomine Patris ...".

2. Changes end: from "in Appendice inveniuntur, p. 1077." to "Ordine Missae (pp. 503-504) inveniuntur."

3. Changes "faciunt confessionem:" to "formulam confessionis generalis perficiunt:". A sentence is added at the end: "Adhiberi possunt etiam aliae formulae actus paenitentialis, quae in Ordine Missae (pp. 506-508) inveniuntur."

4. The 1975 instructions here have been removed. They were: "Tunc sacerdos ascendit ad altare, illud veneratur osculo, et accedit ad missale in sinistro latere altaris collocato, et legit antiphonam ad introitum." So a change has been made to move this to before the sign of the cross.

5. This paragraph is now numbered 4.

6. This paragraph is now numbered 5. The following has been removed: ", p. 1055".

7. This paragraph is now numbered 6. The word "finito" has been replaced with "hymno expleto". A word has been added: from "orationem;" to "orationem collectam;".

8. This paragraph is now numbered 7.

9. This paragraph is now numbered 8. A word has been added: from ", inclinatus" to ", profunde inclinatus".

10. This paragraph is now numbered 9. The word "legit" has been changed to "proclamat". Numerous changes are made in what follows, from:

Quo finito, librum osculatur, dicens secreto: Per evangelica dicta deleantur nostra delicta.
Minister acclamat:
Laus tibi, Christe.

This has been changed to:

Quo expleto, sacerdos acclamat:
Verbum Domini.
Minister respondet:
Laus tibi, Christe.
Deinde sacerdos librum osculatur, dicens secreto:
Per evangelica dicta deleantur nostra delicta.

11. This paragraph is now numbered 10. The following has been removed: ", p. 1056".

12. This paragraph is now numbered 11. The end of the sentence is changed from
"qua ipse sacerdos etiam intentiones profert, ministro respondente. Cf. in Appendice, p. 1093." to
"qua sacerdos introductionem et conclusionem et minister intentiones proferunt."

13. This paragraph is now numbered 12.

14. This paragraph is now numbered 13. Two words have been added: from "et aliquantulum" to "et ambabus manibus aliquantulum".

The following has been added at the end:
"In fine minister acclamare potest:
Benedictus Deus in saecula."

15. This paragraph is now numbered 14.

16. This paragraph is now numbered 15. Two words have been added: from "eumque aliquantulum" to "eumque ambabus manibus aliquantulum".

The following has been added at the end:
"In fine minister acclamare potest:
Benedictus Deus in saecula."

17. This paragraph is now numbered 16. Two words have been added: from "Postea, inclinatus" to "Postea sacerdos, profunde inclinatus".

18. This paragraph is now numbered 17.

19. This paragraph is now numbered 18. In the last sentence the word "sacerdos" has been moved. From
"Deinde, manibus extensis, sacerdos dicit" to
"Deinde sacerdos, manibus extensis, dicit".

20. This paragraph is now numbered 19. The end has been changed: from "eucharisticis continentur." to "eucharisticis (pp. 571-596 et pp. 674-706) indicantur."

21. This paragraph is now numbered 20. The end has been changed: from
"eucharisticae, iunctis manibus, sacerdos dicit:" to
"eucharisticae, calice et patena depositis, sacerdos, iunctis manibus, dicit:".

22. This paragraph is now numbered 21.

23. This paragraph is now numbered 22. The first word is changed: from "Tunc sacerdos" to "Deinde sacerdos".

24. This paragraph is now numbered 23.

25. This paragraph is now numbered 24. The first word is changed: from "Postea accipit" to "Deinde accipit". The end of the sentence is changed from:
"frangit, interim cum ministro dicens:" to
"frangit, ministro interdum dicente:"

The words "His dictis," are changed to "Sacerdos".

26. This paragraph is now numbered 25.

27. This paragraph is now numbered 26. Changes are made from:
"patenam tenens, ad ministrum versus, clara" to:
"patenam vel super calicem tenens, versus ad ministrum, clara".

In the last sentence the following words have been removed: "et stans ad altare conversus".

28. This paragraph is now numbered 27. The following words have been removed: "ad altare versus".

29. This paragraph is now numbered 28. Changes are made from:
"Quo facto, sacerdos dicit" to
"Interdum minister dicit".

30. This paragraph is now numbered 29.

31. This paragraph is now numbered 30.

32. This paragraph is now numbered 31.

33. This paragraph is now numbered 32.

34. This paragraph is now numbered 33. One word is removed: from
"Et sacerdos benedicit" to
"Sacerdos benedicit".

35. This paragraph is now numbered 34. The following words are changed from "debita reverentia" to "profunda inclinatione".

Copyright J.R. Lilburne, 7 April 2002. The Roman Missal is copyright "apud Administrationem Patrimonii Sedis Apostolicae in Civitate Vaticana".