
About John Lilburne



Sit for the Eucharistic Prayer?

Today catholicnews.com has an article about the requirement to kneel for the Eucharistic Prayer in the United States. Only in exceptional circumstances should people stand.

But on Sunday, 20 October, at the 11.00 am Mass at St Patrick's cathedral the direction was: "kneel or sit, whichever you prefer." That direction came from Father Gerard Dowling. He also directed people to sit for the Kyrie and Gloria, which I followed.

It was an important mass, being a day of mourning for those killed in the Bali bombing. There were lots of cameras and dignitaries including the Premier Steve Bracks, Opposition Leader Robert Doyle and Governor John Landy. Archbishop Hart gave his apologies because of a prior engagement.

It was also "Mass for the French Australian Association of Victoria". First the Gospel and homily were in French, followed by in English.

There was a report on it on the front page of The Age newspaper. It included:

"... The ecumenical mass, which brought together about 800 people, was an elaborately ceremonial affair, lifted by the reverential singing of the cathedral choir. ..."

In fact it was no more an "ecumenical mass" than any other Sunday mass at St. Patrick's cathedral.

I am trying to highlight the importance of this Mass. Good efforts were made by a lot of people and I am sure there will be many positive effects for those who attended.

But it should have been done better. The liturgical books should have been faithfully followed.

By J.R. Lilburne, 22 October 2002. I give what I have written on this page to the public domain.

Other Sites:

catholicnews.com Bishops: Standing during eucharistic prayer should be rare exception