
About John Lilburne



Denver Liturgy Conference

Cardinal Arinze seemed to change the title of his address to the Liturgy Conference in Denver on 7 March 2003.

The schedule planned for: "We have Seen the Lord! Sacraments as Encounters with Christ". But the reported title for the speech was: "Requirements for More Faithful Participation in the Sacred Liturgy".

According to Laurie Dunklee:

The cardinal advised listeners to read the Bible for at least 15 minutes every day, and also to study the writings of the Fathers of the Church and the pope. "Ignorance is not a virtue," he said.

I see a lot of ignorance of the liturgical books in the Catholic Church. I doubt that many would try to argue that the "ignorance is a virtue". There does not seem to be too much concern about it.

But perhaps this is about to change. On 13 March there was a report by CWNews.com

"... Pope John Paul II will publish an encyclical on the Eucharist, which may be released on Holy Thursday in place of his regular annual letter to the world's priests. The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith is also preparing two "disciplinary decrees," one regarding the doctrinal aspects of the sacrament and the other regarding proper respect for liturgical guidelines. ..."

By J.R. Lilburne, 16 March 2003. I give what I have written on this page to the public domain.

Other sites:

"2003 Liturgy Conference draws 1,400 for learning, inspiration" by Laurie Dunklee

Apostolic Blessing of Holy Father

Conference Schedule

"Jesuit Journal Condemns Intercommunion" CWNews.com (at ewtn.com)