
About John Lilburne







1144 Thu 9 Aug 2001

Its a fine winter's day in Melbourne with the sun shining.

It feels like information overload this morning.

In "The Australian" they explain they will have the whole paper online, although it is expensive - about $US 2 per issue.

A magazine "The Bulletin" had an article "Business as usual: The PC is a workhorse but don't expect it to turn a buck, writes Angus Kidman".

My uncle in England emails me about getting a webcam working.

I explore the cost of a faster internet connection using ADSL with telstra.com.

Archbishop Malingo's excommunication deadline seems to be lifted since at least he is talking to the pope.

I research St Augustine on evil for the essay due tomorrow. Time for lunch and then ride to the station for this afternoon's class on Metaphysics.


This evening I was very impressed by the Mass at Catholic Theological College. Brother Jerome (who I think is an instituted lector) did the reading wearing his Dominican "vestments".

Father Anthony Fisher gave a very good homily on the Gospel reading (Matthew 16:13-23) which includes Jesus asking: "Who do you say I am?". Peter gave the first creed: "You are the Christ" and yet Jesus gives instructions not to tell people, perhaps for fear of trivialisation, thinking we understand God. As good Catholics we tend to simply say "I agree with Peter." But Father Fisher suggested that it was not about us following the Pope's doctrinal formulations. Instead we answer the question of who we think Jesus is by what we do, making a catechesis of our lives, showing our recognition of Jesus as God in this way. I doubt I have done justice to what he said. It was very powerful the way he presented it.

Copyright J.R. Lilburne, 9 August 2001.