John Lilburne's comparison of the Order of Mass in the 1975 Roman Missal with the 2002 Roman Missal.
Order of Mass - 1975 and 2002What is different in the Order of Mass of the 2002 Roman Missal? Every translation of the full Roman Missal contains the Order of Mass in the original Latin. So I am able to compare the Latin texts of the 1975 Order of Mass (which I have from The Sacramentary, Catholic Book Publishing Co., New York, 1985, page 1055) with the 2002 Order of Mass. Title: 1975 had "Ordo Missae Cum Populo", 2002 changes
this to "Ordo Missae". I have done a paragraph by paragraph comparison. First I give the 1975 number and then the 2002 number and what has changed. When quoting Roman Missal text, the bold text is black and the normal text is red. Having done this I believe that none of the spoken words have been changed, only the instructions called "rubrics" which are in red. With the Latin text I have not typed it exactly as it appears in the Roman Missal. For example, "ae" should be one character. 1. Unchanged. 2. In 2002 this remains in paragraph 1. The words "debita reverentia" are replaced by "profunda inclinatione" in 2002. The word "illud" is replaced by "crucem et altare". After "signant se" adds "signo crucis". In 2002 paragraph 2 begins at "Deinde sacerdos, manus extendens ...". A third greeting is added: "Gratia vobis et pax a Deo Patre nostro et Domino Iesu Christo". 3. Word "idoneus" removed. Word "illius" removed. After first sentence of paragraph 3, adds heading: "Actus paenitentialis*" and begins paragraph 4. Added at the bottom of the page is the footnote: "* Die dominica, praesertim tempore paschali, loco consueti actus paenitentialis, quandoque fieri potest benedictio et aspersio aquae in memoriam baptismi, ut in Appendice II (pp. 1249-1252)." Two sentences are combined. From "Deinde sequitur actus paenitentialis. Sacerdos fideles invitat ad paenitentiam:" to "Deinde sequitur actus paenitentialis ad quem sacerdos fideles invitat, dicens:" Changed wording after "Postea omnes simul": from "faciunt confessionem:" to "formulam confessionis generalis perficiunt:". Removes the sentence: "Aliae formulae salutationis et actus paenitentialis ad libitum inveniuntur in Appendice, p. 1077." and replaces it with paragraphs 5 and 6:
4. This paragraph is numbered 7. Added at the end is: "Aliae melodiae in Graduali romano inveniuntur." 5. This paragraph is numbered 8. After the first sentence
five musical beginnings to the Gloria are added, with the instructions: 6. This paragraph is numbered 9. In the first sentence the word "finito" is replaced with "expleto". In the last sentence "orationem; qua finita" is changed to "orationem collectam, qua expleta". 7. This paragraph is numbered 10. The word "subdit" is changed to "acclamat". 8. This paragraph is numbered 11. Two words are added: from "psalmum dicit" to "psalmum cantat vel dicit". 9. This paragraph is numbered 12. The word "in" is changed to "ex". The word "subdit" is changed to "acclamat". 10. This paragraph is numbered 13. Added to the end of the sentence are the words "a rubricis statutus, prouti tempus liturgicum postulat." 11. This pargraph is numbered 14. A word is added to the first sentence: from "sacerdotem inclinatus" to "sacerdotem profunde inclinatus". Five words are added: from "Diaconus respondet:" to "Diaconus signat se signo crucis et respondet:". 12. This paragraph is numbered 15. 13. This paragraph is numbered 16. In the first sentence, the word "Finito" is changed to "Expleto", the word "dicit" is changed to "acclamat", and the comma after "sacerdos" is removed. Two words are changed: from "omnibus acclamantibus:" to "Omnes respondent:" 14. This paragraph is numbered 17. Four words are added: from "quae habenda" to "quae a sacerdote vel diacono habenda". 15. This paragraph is numbered 18. The word "fit" is replaced with "cantatur vel dicitur". Two words are added: from "praescribitur, professio" to "praescribitur, symbolum seu professio". After the first sentence, there are two musical beginning and the following instruciton is added: "Toni integri in Graduali romano inveniuntur." A new paragraph is added, given the number 19:
16. This paragraph is numbered 20. It removes "(cf. p. 1093)". 17. This paragraph is numbered 21. In the second sentence two words are added and one word changed: from "calicem et missale in altari collocant." to "calicem, pallam et missale super altare collocant." 18. This paragraph is numbered 22. 19. This paragraph is numbered 23. Two words are added: from "eamque aliquantulum" to "eamque ambabus manibus aliquantulum". The word "secreto" is changed to "submissa voce". 20. This paragraph is numbered 24. 21. This paragraph is numbered 25. Two words are added: from "eamque aliquantulum" to "eamque ambabus manibus aliquantulum". The word "secreto" is changed to "submissa voce". 22. This paragraph is numbered 26. A word is added: from "sacerdos, inclinatus" to "sacerdos, profunde inclinatus". 23. This pargraph is numbered 27. A word is added in the first sentence: from "oblata et" to "oblata, crucem et". 24. This paragraph is numbered 28. 25. This paragraph is numbered 29. Two words are added: from "Populus respondet:" to "Populus surgit et respondet:". 26. This paragraph is numbered 30. The word order is changed: from "Deinde, manibus extensis, sacerdos dicit ..." to "Deinde sacerdos, manibus extensis, dicit ...". The word "finita" is changed to "conclusa". 27. This paragraph is numbered 31. After the first sentence a musical version is given, followed by the instruction: "Tonus simplex introductionis invenitur in Appendice I (p. 1229)." In the sentence before the Sanctus a comma is removed: from "praefationis, iungit" to "praefationis iungit". A musical version of the Sanctus is given, then there is the instruction: "Aliae melodiae in Graduali romano inveniuntur." 28. This paragraph is numbered 32. In the first sentence there is a change from "celebranti illas partes Precis" to "celebranti partes praesertim praecipuas Precis". The end of this sentence changes from "cantare, quae in Missis concelebratis cantari possunt." to "cantare, ut infra, pp. 623ss., notis ditantur." In the 2002 Roman Missal paragraphs 33 - 82 contain the Prefaces. The 1975 Order of Mass I am using does not include all of these, so I have not compared them. After the heading "PREX EUCHARISTICA I SEU CANON ROMANUS" there is an added paragraph:
80. This paragraph is numbered 84. An asterix is added after "et Antistite nosto N.". The footnote is: "* Hic fieri potest mentio de Episcopis Coadiutore vel Auxiliaribus, vel de alio Episcopo, ut in Institutione generali Missalis Romani, n. 149, notatur." 81. This paragraph is numbered 85. 82. This paragraph is numbered 86. 83. This paragraph is not given a new number, remaining 86. 84. This paragraph is not given a new number, remaining 86. 85. This paragraph is not given a new number, remaining 86. 86. This paragraph is not given a new number, remaining 86. 87. This paragraph is not given a new number, remaining 86. 88. This paragraph is numbered 87. 89. This paragraph is not given a new number, remaining 87. 90. This paragraph is numbered 88. 91. This paragraph is numbered 89. 92. This paragraph is numbered 90. A comma is added: from "calicem eumque" to "calicem, eumque". 93. This paragraph is numbered 91. "Aliae acclamationes, p. 1077" is replaced with:
94. This paragraph is numbered 92. The first sentence is changed from "Postea, extensis manibus, sacerdos dicit:" to "Deinde sacerdos, extensis manibus, dicit:". 95. This paragraph is numbered 93. 96. This paragraph is numbered 94. 97. This paragraph is numbered 95. A word is added: from "quibus intendit." to "quibus orare intendit." 98. This paragraph is numbered 96. 99. This paragraph is numbered 97. 100. This paragraph is numbered 98. A musical version is given and the instruction added "Tonus simplex in Appendice, p. 1230. 101. This paragraph is numbered 99. It adds the rubrics after the heading "PREX EUCHARISTICA II":
102. This paragraph is numbered 100. 103. This paragraph is numbered 101. 104. This paragraph is numbered 102. 105. This paragraph is numbered 103. 106. This paragraph is numbered 104. "Aliae acclamationes, p. 1077" is replaced with:
107. This paragraph is numbered 105. An asterix is added after "et Episcopo nostro N.". The footnote is: "* Hic fieri potest mentio de Episcopis Coadiutore vel Auxiliaribus, vel de alio Episcopo, ut in Institutione generali Missalis Romani, n. 149, notatur." 108. This paragraph is numbered 106. A musical version is given and the instruction added "Tonus simplex in Appendice, p. 1230." After the heading "PREX EUCHARISTICA III" a paragraph is added:
109. This paragraph is numbered 108. 110. This paragraph is numbered 109. 111. This paragraph is numbered 110. In the last sentence, the word "deponit" is replaced with "reponit". 112. This paragraph is numbered 111. 113. This paragraph is numbered 112. "Aliae acclamationes, p. 1077" is replaced with:
114. This paragraph is numbered 113. An asterix is added after "et Episcopo nostro N.". The footnote is: "* Hic fieri potest mentio de Episcopis Coadiutore vel Auxiliaribus, vel de alio Episcopo, ut in Institutione generali Missalis Romani, n. 149, notatur." 115. This paragraph is numbered 114. A musical version is given and the instruction added "Tonus simplex in Appendice, p. 1230." 116. This paragraph is numbered 115. The last section is removed:
117. This paragraph is numbered 116. After the heading "PREX EUCHARISTICA IV" the following is added:
Before the Sanctus a sentence has been added: from "canentes: Sanctus" to "canentes: Aliae melodiae in Graduali romano inveniuntur. Sanctus". A mistake appears to have been made in this 2002 Roman Missal, page 591. The sentence is not a rubric, it is not in red, but in black like the other words to be spoken as part of the Eucharistic Prayer. 118. This paragraph is numbered 117. 119. This paragraph is numbered 118. 120. This paragraph is numbered 119. In second set of rubrics, the word "calicem" is changed to "panem". (This appears to have been a mistake in the 1985 Sacramentary I am using.) 121. This paragraph is numbered 120. In the rubrics, the word "panem" is changed to "calicem". (This appears to have been a mistake in the 1985 Sacramentary I am using.) 122. This paragraph is numbered 121. "Aliae acclamationes, p. 1077" is replaced with:
123. This paragraph is numbered 122. An asterix is added after "et Episcopo nostri N.". The footnote is: "* Hic fieri potest mentio de Episcopis Coadiutore vel Auxiliaribus, vel de alio Episcopo, ut in Institutione generali Missalis Romani, n. 149, notatur." 124. This paragraph is numbered 123. A musical version is given and the instruction added "Tonus simplex in Appendice, p. 1230." 125. This paragraph is numbered 124. A musical version of the Our Father is given and the instruction added "Alii toni in Appendice, pp. 1242-1243." 126. This paragraph is numbered 125. 127. This paragraph is numbered 126. 128. This paragraph is numbered 127. 129. This paragraph is numbered 128. In the last sentence a word is added: from "pacem et caritatem" to "pacem, communionem et caritatem". 130. This paragraph is numbered 129. 131. This paragraph is numbered 130. A musical version of the Agnus Dei is given and the instruction added "Aliae melodiae in Graduali romano inveniuntur." 132. This paragraph is numbered 131. 133. This paragraph is numbered 132. Changed from "patenam tenens, ad populum versus" to "patenam vel super calicem tenens, versus ad populum". 134. This paragraph is numbered 133. 135. This paragraph is numbered 134. 136. This paragraph is numbered 135. 137. This paragraph is numbered 136. The word "incipit" is changed to "inchoatur". 138. This paragraph is numbered 137. Two words are added "diaconus purificat" to "diaconus vel acolythus purificat". 139. This paragraph is numbered 138. Changed from "aut canticum laudis proferri potest." to "aut aliud canticum laudis aut hymnus proferri potest." 140. This paragraph is numbered 139. Changes "ad sedem vel ad altare" to "ad altare vel ad sedem". Adds five words: from "sacerdos dicit:" to "sacerdos, versus ad populum, iunctis manibus, dicit:". 141. This paragraph is numbered 140. The word "habendae" is changed to "necessariae". 142. This paragraph is numbered 141. The 2002 Roman Missal adds paragraphs 142 and 143:
A musical version is given, then:
143. This paragraph is numbered 144. A change is made from "ad populum versus" to "versus ad populum". 144. This paragraph is numbered 145. The words "debita reverentia" are changed to "profunda inclinatione". 145. This paragraph is numbered 146. Copyright J.R. Lilburne, 6 April 2002. The Roman Missal is copyright "apud Administrationem Patrimonii Sedis Apostolicae in Civitate Vaticana". |