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After Communion

303. According to CB 166 after distributing communion: "When the bishop returns to the chair after communion, he puts on the skullcap and, if need be, washes his hands. All are seated and a period of prayerful silence may follow, or a song...".

304. The instruction "all are seated" seems to be unique to the Stational Mass. According to IG 43 "all should sit ... if this seems helpful, during the period of silence after communion." This has been interpreted as an option to "sit, stand or kneel" in Notitiae 10 (1974) 407 [Documents on the Liturgy, (Minnesota, Liturgical Press, 1982) page 474].

305. Perhaps it would be appropriate for a Conference of Bishops to adapt the posture so that all sit (at this time) for all Masses. {Added 24 August 2002: Another issue is what should happen if instead of a "period of silence" there is singing. IG 43 indicates that if there is singing everyone would be standing, at least after communion. More on this is at romanrite.com/j240802}

306. For Mass with Morning Prayer or Evening Prayer (from the Liturgy of the Hours) the Gospel Canticle, with its antiphon, is sung (GILH 94).



Copyright J.R. Lilburne, 18 March 2002. Updated 15 April 2002, 24 August 2002.