austgirm.html summary and errors
Comparison of Australian GIRM to USA one
Comparing the 2007 Australian General Instruction of the Roman Missal (GIRM) to the USA one.
[Update 1 September 2007. The version of the Australian GIRM I downloaded on 4 July 2007 from www.acbc.catholic.org.au/bc/liturgy/200707031933.htm was created on 3 July 2007. Today I found there is a diffferent version, created on 5 July 2007. The comparison below is to the earlier version of the Australian GIRM.]
Generally, USA "(cf. above, no. 37b)". Australia "(cf. no. 37b)". I illustrate differences in capitals, but usually do not repeat them. I skipped sections, in the comparison, including n. 1-15.
22. Fail to start a new paragraph for second sentence, as in the Latin and USA edition.
26. Instead of correctly having "395-399" the Australian edition has "395, 399".
30. USA has "prayer after Communion", Australia "Prayer after Communion", Latin "oratio post Communionem".
43. At end added:
"In Australia, apart from what is said above, the people are to sit from the Preparation of the Gifts until the completion of the priest's invitation Orate fratres, and stand from the beginning of the people's response "May the Lord accept..." to the end of the Sanctus. They then kneel from the completion Sanctus until after the Great Amen, and then stand from the beginning of the invitation of the Lord's Prayer until the completion of the Agnus Dei, when they are to kneel again until the distribution of Holy Communion. During the sacred silence after the distribution of Holy Communion, they may either sit or kneel."
46. USA edition has italics for "Kyrie" and "Gloria". Australian edition does not.
In USA and Latin edition last sentence is a new paragraph. In Australian edition it is not.
48. First paragraph different to USA and England and Wales GIRMs:
"The singing at this time is done either alternately by the choir and the people or in a similar way by the cantor and the people, or entirely by the people, or by the choir alone. The antiphon and Psalm from the Graduale Romanum or the Graduale Simplex may be used, or another song that is suited to the sacred action, the day, or the season and that has a text approved by the Conference of Bishops.55"
49. Heading. Australia has "The Veneration of the Altar and Greeting of the Assembled People" instead of USA's "Greeting of the Altar and of the People Gathered Together". Latin text is "Salutatio altaris et populi congregati".
Second sentence is a new paragraph in Latin and USA edition, not in Australian.
50. USA have capital G for "Greeting": "By this Greeting and the people's response, ...". Australian does not.
51. Australian edition uses capitals for "the Blessing and Sprinkling of Water to recall Baptism". USA edition has: " the blessing and sprinkling of water to recall Baptism".
52. Australian has no italics for "Kyrie", USA's does.
54. Australia has "trinitarian ending"; USA just "trinitarian".
Australia provides translations of endings; USA just gives the Latin. Australia endings:
"Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever"
"Who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever"
"You live and reign with God the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever".
55. Australia has captial for "Homily"; USA does not.
56. Australia has "adapted to the gathered assembly"; USA "accommodated to the gathered assembly".
60. Australia has: "The Liturgy itself teaches that great reverence is to be shown to it by setting it off from the other readings with special marks of honour: whether on the part of the minister appointed to proclaim it, who prepares himself by a blessing or prayer; or on the part of the faithful, who stand as they listen to it being read and through their acclamations acknowledge and confess Christ present and speaking to them;"
USA has: "The Liturgy itself teaches that great reverence is to be shown to it by setting it off from the other readings with special marks of honor: whether the minister appointed to proclaim it prepares himself by a blessing or prayer; or the faithful, standing as they listen to it being read, through their acclamations acknowledge and confess Christ present and speaking to them; "
61. Australia has capitals for "First Reading"; USA does not.
Instead of USA adaptations, Australian edition ends with: "The following may also be sung in place of the Psalm assigned in the Lectionary: either the reponsorial gradual from the Graduale Romanum, or the responsorial Psalm or the Alleluia Psalm from the Graduale Simplex, in the form described in these books."
62. USA edition missing heading "The Acclamation before the Gospel". Australian edition does not use italics for "Alleluia". Australian has "its faith" instead of USA's "their faith". Australian does not have italics for "Graduale".
65. Footnote 63. USA and Latin have in footnote "can. 767 § 1.". Australia has "can. 767".
67. Australian edition has no italics for "Symbolum".
70. USA begins each item in the list of intentions with capitals. Australia does not. (This happens generally in later sections).
71. USA and Latin have a new paragraph for the last sentence. Australia does not.
72. Australia adds a comma after "banquet".
73. Australia has capital for "Eucharistic table".
77. Australia provides translations for the endings, USA just has Latin. Australian endings: "Through Christ our Lord" and "Who lives and reigns forever and ever".
79. Australian begin with small letters after colon. For example "h. Final doxology: by which the glorification of God is expressed and which is confirmed and concluded by the people’s acclamation, Amen." In USA edition have: "h. Final doxology: By which ...". Also in h., USA is missing the second "which" that Australia has.
80. Australia: "... his Body and Blood should be received as spiritual food by the faithful who are properly disposed."
USA: "his Body and Blood should be received by the faithful who are properly disposed as spiritual food."
81. Australia has capitals for "Eucharistic Bread", USA does not.
82. Australia adds a new paragraph at the end:
"In Australia the most common form of the gesture of peace is the handshake, although different pract
ices according to region and culture are not excluded."
83. Australia uses capitals for "Fraction or Breaking of Bread"; USA does not.
Australia does not have the four commas in: "or it is, at least, recited aloud. This invocation accompanies the fraction and, for this reason, may be repeated".
87. For the first paragraph, instead of USA adaptations listing four options, Australia has:
"An antiphon from the Graduale Romanum, with or without the Psalm, or an antiphon with the Psalm from the Graduale Simplex, or some other suitable liturgical song approved by the Conference of Bishops may be sung at Communion. This is sung by the choir alone or by the choir or cantor with the people."
88. Australia has "praying quietly" instead of USA "praying privately".
89. Australia provides translations of the endings, while the USA only has the Latin. The Australian endings are:
"Through Christ our Lord", "Who lives and reigns forever and ever" and "You live and reign forever and ever".
Both the USA and Latin have a new paragraph for the last sentence: "The people make the prayer their own by the acclamation, Amen." The Australian edition does not have a new paragraph, but lists it with the third ending (which is dot pointed and indented):
"If it is directed to the Son: Qui vivis et regnas in saecula saeculorum (You live and reign forever and ever). The people make the prayer their own by the acclamation, Amen."
90. The USA and Latin list the four points with letters (a, b, c and d). Australia has numbers. The USA begins each point with a capital, Australia does not. Australia has "Prayer over the People"; USA has "prayer over the People".
91. USA has "different orders, offices"; Australia has "different orders, duties".
92. Footnote 80. Australia has added "38" at the end of the footnote. It is not in the Latin or the USA edition, which has: "80. Cf. Caeremoniale Episcoporum, editio typica, 1984, nos. 175-186."
94. Australia: "Eucharistic celebration"; USA "Eucharistic Celebration".
95. Footnote 83. Australian edition has "39" at the end. It is not in the Latin or USA editions.
97. Australia: "role in the celebration". USA "function in the celebration".
98. Australia, at end: "he must perform himself". USA "he must perform personally".
99. Australia: "proper duty"; USA "proper office".
100. Australian heading: "The Other Roles". USA heading "Other Ministries".
101. Australia: "be carefully prepared". USA "receive careful preparation".
102. Australia: "To fulfil this role correctly"; USA "To fulfill this function correctly". Australia: "ability to sing"; USA "ability for singing".
103. Australia "liturgical role"; USA "liturgical function".
Australia, incorrect spelling of "relevant" with "relevanet".
105. Australia "liturgical role"; USA "liturgical function".
b. Australia "this role"; USA "this function".
107. Australia "listed in nos. 100-106". USA "listed above (cf. nos. 100-106)". In last sentence, Australia "duties"; USA "offices".
114. Footnote 94. Australia has added "44" to the end of the footnote. It is not in the Latin or USA edition.
117. Australian heading "The Things to be Prepared". USA "The Articles to Be Prepared".
Australia "diocesan Bishop"; USA "Diocesan Bishop".
128. Australia: "the lector sings or says the acclamation"; USA "the lector says the acclamation".
132. Australia: "says, Munda cor meum (Almighty God, cleanse my heart)."
USA: "says, Munda cor meum (May the word of the gospel wipe away our sins)."
137. Australia: "(by the power of the Holy Spirit . . . and became man)"; USA: "(by the power of the Holy Spirit . . . became man)".
147. Australia "that only the priest say it"; USA "that the priest say it".
Australia "with the recognitio of the Holy See"; USA "and recognized by the Holy See".
149. Latin and Australian editions have "et me indigno famulo tuo". USA adds a comma: "et me, indigno famulo tuo".
152. Australia: "then sings or says"; USA "then says".
153. Australia "For the kingdom"; USA "For yours is the kingdom".
154. Australia: "The priest may give the sign of peace to the ministers but always remains within the sanctuary, so as not to disturb the celebration. He may do the same if, for a good reason, he wishes to offer the sign of peace to a few of the faithful."
USA: "The priest may give the sign of peace to the ministers but always remains within the sanctuary, so as not to disturb the celebration. In the dioceses of the United States of America, for a good reason, on special occasions (for example, in the case of a funeral, a wedding, or when civic leaders are present) the priest may offer the sign of peace to a few of the faithful near the sanctuary."
155. Australia "May this mingling." USA "May the mingling".
160. Australia: "consecrated Bread". USA "consecrated bread".
"In Australia standing is the most common posture for receiving Holy Communion. The customary manner of reception is recommended to be followed by all, so that Communion may truly be a sign of unity among those who share in the same table of the Lord. When approaching to receive Holy Communion, the faithful bow in reverence of the Mystery that they are to receive."
"The norm for reception of Holy Communion in the dioceses of the United States is standing. Communicants should not be denied Holy Communion because they kneel. Rather, such instances should be addressed pastorally, by providing the faithful with proper catechesis on the reasons for this norm.
When receiving Holy Communion, the communicant bows his or her head before the Sacrament as a gesture of reverence and receives the Body of the Lord from the minister. The consecrated host may be received either on the tongue or in the hand, at the discretion of each communicant. When Holy Communion is received under both kinds, the sign of reverence is also made before receiving the Precious Blood."
162. Australia: "i.e., duly instituted acolytes". USA: "e.g., duly instituted acolytes".
163. Australia: "consecrated Wine". USA "consecrated wine".
170. Australia: "the Greeting, the Blessing, and the Dismissal". USA: "the greeting, the blessing, and the dismissal".
175. Australia "saying quietly". USA "saying privately".
Australia and Latin: "Per evangelica dicta". USA "Per evangelica dicta dicta".
186. Australia: "departs as he entered in procession." USA: "departs in a manner similar to the procession beforehand."
187. Australia: "may occur at the same time." USA "may coincide".
199. Australia "an Abbot". USA "an abbot".
215. Australia: "the Prayer over the Offerings". USA "the prayer over the offerings".
216-251 skipped these, did not compare them.
255. Australia: "right hand". USA "righthand".
259. Australia: "sings or says". USA "says".
267. Australia: "commingling". USA "commixtion".
268. Australia: "commingling". USA "commixtion".
269. Australia: "Communion antiphon". USA "Communion Antiphon".
274. Australia: "genuflect when they approach the altar and when they depart from the sanctuary"
USA "genuflect when they approach the altar and when they depart from it".
275. Australia have two dot points, USA and Latin have "a)" and "b)".
Australia: "and became man". USA "made man".
276. Australia: "Ps 140 [141]". USA "Ps 141[140]". Latin "Ps 140".
277. Australia: "veneration, which should". USA: "veneration. This should".
Australia: "thurible before going on". USA: "thurible, then going on".
282. Footnote 107. Australia has at end: "Denz-Schon, 1725-1728." USA: "Denz-Schön, 1728." Latin: "Denz-Schönm. 1728."
283. Australia: "the priest to whom a community has been entrusted as its own shepherd, provided".
USA: "to the priest to whom, as its own shepherd, a community has been entrusted, provided".
Last paragraph, Australia: "The Conference of Bishops, however, may publish norms regarding the manner in which Holy Communion under both kinds is distributed to the faithful and extending the faculty for doing so, after their decisions have received the recognitio of the Apostolic See."
USA: "In all that pertains to Communion under both kinds, the Norms for the Distribution and Reception of Holy Communion under Both Kinds in the Dioceses of the United States of America are to be followed (see nos. 27-54)."
284 a. Australia: "who, in case of necessity, has". USA: "who in case of necessity has".
285. Australia: "However care should be taken in planning, lest". USA: "Care should, however, be taken in planning lest".
286. Australia "communicants drinking". USA "communicants' drinking".
288. Chapter heading, Australia "THECELEBRATION". USA "the Celebration".
292. Australia: "toward a noble simplicity for the church itself, rather than ostentation." USA: "toward the church’s noble simplicity rather than ostentation."
293, end. Australia: "are normal in places where people regularly gather." USA: "are normally forthcoming in places where people regularly gather."
294. Australia: "of his function". USA: "of their function."
In last paragraph, Australia: "roles". USA "ministries".
298. Australia: "not to be removable". USA "not to be irremoveable".
299. Australia: "The altar, moreover, should be in the place where it is truly the centre". USA "The altar should, moreover, be so placed as to be truly the center".
301. Australia does not have the USA adaptation: "In the dioceses of the United States of America, however, wood which is worthy, solid, and well-crafted may be used, provided that the altar is structurally immobile."
304. Australia does not have the USA adaptation: "When, in the dioceses of the United States of America, other cloths are used in addition to the altar cloth, then those cloths may be of other colors possessing Christian honorific or festive significance according to longstanding local usage, provided that the uppermost cloth covering the mensa (i.e., the altar cloth itself) is always white in color."
309. Australia: "Exsultet (Easter Proclamation)". USA "Easter Proclamation (Exsultet)"
310. Australia "role". USA "function".
311. Australia: "is to be rejected." USA "is reprehensible."
312. Australia "role". USA "function".
313. Australia "support the singing". USA "sustain the singing".
In last sentence, Australia "assist the singing". USA "support the singing".
314. Australia has no new paragraph at the end of the first sentence. USA and Latin do.
315b. Australia: "Or, likewise, in some chapel suitable for the faithful’s private adoration and prayer and organically connected to the church and readily visible to the Christian faithful."
USA: "Or even in some chapel suitable for the faithful’s private adoration and prayer and which is organically connected to the church and readily visible to the Christian faithful."
318. Australia: "In the earthly Liturgy the Church participates as foretaste in that heavenly Liturgy, which".
USA: "In the earthly Liturgy, the Church participates, by a foretaste, in that heavenly Liturgy which".
Australia "lead the faithful", USA "usher the faithful".
322. Australia: "natural and unadulterated". USA "natural, and unadulterated".
326. Australia ends with "The Conference of Bishops will be the judge on this matter (cf. No. 390)." This is instead of USA's adaptation: "In the dioceses of the United States of America these materials may include wood, stone, or metal which are solid and appropriate to the purpose for which they are employed."
329. Australia "329. In the judgement of the Conference of Bishops, after its decisions have received recognitio of the Apostolic See, sacred vessels may also be made from other solid materials that, are precious according to the common estimation in each region, for example, ebony or other hard woods, provided that such materials are suited to sacred use. In such cases, preference is always to be given to materials that do not easily break or deteriorate. This applies to all vessels which hold the hosts, such as the paten, the ciborium, the pyx, the monstrance, and other things of this kind."
USA: "329. In the Dioceses of the United States of America, sacred vessels may also be made from other solid materials that, according to the common estimation in each region, are precious, for example, ebony or other hard woods, provided that such materials are suited to sacred use and do not easily break or deteriorate. This applies to all vessels which hold the hosts, such as the paten, the ciborium, the pyx, the monstrance, and other things of this kind."
330. Australia "non-absorbent". USA "nonabsorbent".
333. Footnote 136. USA and Australia have "136. Cf. The Roman Pontifical: Order of the Dedication of a Church and an Altar, editio typica, 1984, Chapter 7, Order of the Blessing of a Chalice and a Paten;". But the Latin has:
"136 Cf. PONTIFICALE ROMANUM, Ordo Dedicationis ecclesiae et altaris, editio typica 1977 Ordo benedictionis calicis et patenae;".
I believe the correct year is 1977, as in The Rites Volume Two, Liturgical Press, 1991, ISBN: 0-8146-6037-1, page 347.
335. Footnote 137. Australia has "90." at the end of the footnote, which is not in the Latin or USA editions.
339. Australia: "339. Acolytes, lectors, and other lay ministers may wear the alb or other suitable vesture that is lawfully approved by the Conference of Bishops (cf. no. 390)."
USA: "339. In the dioceses of the United States of America, acolytes, altar servers, lectors, and other lay ministers may wear the alb or other suitable vesture or other appropriate and dignified clothing."
346. First sentence, Australia: "Traditional usage should be retained for the colours of sacred vestments:".
USA: "As to the color of sacred vestments, the traditional usage is to be retained: namely,"
Australia has Trinity Sunday for white, not in USA list.
For "e." Australia has: "Black may be used, where it is the practice, in Masses for the Dead." Then at the end of 346 it has "For funeral Masses, violet may always be used, while black vestments may be used where this is customary. White vestments are also permitted for Funeral Masses in Australia, where this is appropriate." USA has: "e. Besides violet, white or black vestments may be worn at funeral services and at other Offices and Masses for the Dead in the Dioceses of the United States of America."
Australia does not have the USA's: "h. Gold or silver colored vestments may be worn on more solemn occasions in the dioceses of the United States of America."
After "g." Australia has: Regarding liturgical colours, moreover, the Conference of Bishops may determine and propose to the Apostolic See adaptations suited to the needs and culture of peoples."
347. Australia: "for example, in The Roman Missal, no. 31". USA: "for example, no. 31".
348. Australia "for liturgical use". USA "for strictly liturgical use".
349. Australia "actually". USA "really". Australia "higher", USA "heavenly".
350. Australia: "Furthermore, every care must be taken with respect to those things directly associated with"
USA: "Furthermore, great attention is to be paid whatever is directly associated with".
351. Australia: "351. Even in minor matters, every effort should be made to respect appropriately the canons of art and always to combine a noble simplicity and elegance."
USA: "351. Every effort should be made to ensure that even as regards objects of lesser importance the canons of art be appropriately taken into account and that noble simplicity come together with elegance."
352. Lots of changes, for example.
Australia "will doubtless be all the greater if". USA "will be greatly increased if".
Australia "capacity of participants". USA "culture of those taking part".
Australia: "This will appropriately be achieved by use of the broad options described in this chapter."
USA: "This is achieved by appropriate use of the wide options described below."
Australia: "In planning the celebration of Mass, then, the priest should pay attention to the common spiritual good of the People of God, rather than his own inclinations. He should also remember that choices are to be made in consultation with those who perform some part in the celebration, including the faithful in regard to the parts that more directly belong to them."
USA: "The priest, therefore, in planning the celebration of Mass, should have in mind the common spiritual good of the people of God, rather than his own inclinations. He should, moreover, remember that the selection of different parts is to be made in agreement with those who have some role in the celebration, including the faithful, in regard to the parts that more directly pertain to each."
In last paragraph, Australia "readers", USA "lectors".
Last sentence, Australia: "Harmonious planning and performance of the rites will, to a great extent, help dispose the hearts and minds of the faithful to participate in the Eucharist."
USA: "Harmonious planning and carrying out of the rites will great assistance in disposing the faithful to participate in the Eucharist."
354. Australia: "seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter, on Feasts, and on obligatory Memorials".
USA: "On Sundays, on the weekdays of the Advent, Christmas, Lenten, and Easter Seasons, on feasts, and on obligatory memorials".
Skipped 355-361.
362. Australia: "362. In addition to the faculties of choosing certain more suitable texts, as noted above, the Conference of Bishops has the faculty, in special circumstances, to make further adaptations of readings, provided that the texts are to be taken from a duly approved Lectionary."
USA: "362. The adaptations to the Ordo Lectionum Missae as contained in the Lectionary for Mass for use in the dioceses of the United States of America should be carefully observed."
363. Australia "provided". USA "available".
368. Australia: "368. Since the liturgy of the Sacraments and sacramentals, for the faithful who are properly disposed, causes almost".
USA: "368. Since the liturgy of the Sacraments and Sacramentals causes, for the faithful who are properly disposed, almost every".
373. Instead of USA adaptations, Australia ends with this second sentence: "It is from these that the competent authority may choose Masses for special days of prayer that are established in the course of the year by the Conference of Bishops."
378. Australia "celebrate the commemoration". USA "celebrate commemoration".
387. Australia "duty". USA "function".
393. Australia has footnote 152 at the end of n. 393. In the USA and Latin editions it is in the middle of the first sentence:
"393. Bearing in mind the important place that singing has in a celebration as a necessary or integral part of the Liturgy, 152 all musical settings".
394. Australia "the Bishops' Conference". USA "the of Bishops' Conference".
Australia: "In carrying this out, the Lord's Day to the greatest extent possible is".
USA: "In carrying this out, to the greatest extent possible the Lord’s Day is".
397. Australia leaves out the numbering of this. In n. 396 it appears to have four paragraphs, but the second paragraph should be numbered "397".
399. Australia "399. Therefore the Roman Missal".
USA, "399. And so, the Roman Missal".
By J.R. Lilburne, 4 July 2007. Updated 1 September 2007. I give what I have written on this page to the public domain.
Other sites:
Australian GIRM