John Lilburne's comparison of the General Instruction of the Roman Missal in the 2000 Institutio Generalis to the 2002 Roman Missal.Ê


About John Lilburne

Roman Missal


GIRMs - 2000 to 2002

A comparison of the Institutio Generalis Missalis Romani of 2000 (ISBN 88-209-7012-0) to 2002 (ISBN: 8820972719).

Generally in the 2002 edition "ae" made one character, etc. I have not tried to show changes to italics. Nor have I detailed individual changes to capital letters although quite a few were noticed. For example, changed in n. 8: "Romana" to "romana", "Ambrosiana" to "ambrosiana", "Hispani" to "hispani", and "Gallicani" to "gallicani".

I have tried to detail all other changes, from 2000 to 2002.

4. In first sentence: from "quod presbyteri" to "quod episcopi et presbyteri".
"offert" to "offerunt"
"praesidet" to "praesident"

5. In first sentence: "sacerdotum" to "Episcopi et presbyterorum"

14. In second sentence: "declaratiorem" to "dilucidiorem".

16. Footnote 25 has the same two references, but in reverse order.

24. In first sentence a comma is removed: "respondentes, quique" to "respondentes quique".
In the last sentence a word is removed: "demere vel aut" to "demere aut".

25. Footnote 35 is changed: "praesertim" to "etiam";
"nn. 23, 25" to "nn. 38, 40".
Added to the end is: ", supra".

26. Two words are added: "pro necessitate" to "pro utilitate vel necessiatate".

27. Footnote 39 has a reference added: "S. CONGR. RITUUM, Instr. Eucharisticum mysterium, diei 25 maii 1967, n. 9: A.A.S. 59 (1967) p. 547."

28. Foonote 40 has a reference added: "S. CONGR. RITUUM, Instr. Eucharisticum mysterium, diei 25 maii 1967, n. 3: A.A.S. 59 (1967) p. 542."

29. Footnote 42 has moved to appear after the last word "fovetur.". It was after the second last word "liturgicae,".

31. In second sentence: "libro liturgico" to "Missali".
In third sentence: "nuntiare" to "moderari".

In last sentence:"ritum" to "actum".

33. At start: "Sacerdos vero" to "Sacerdos etenim".

34. In first sentence: "celebrantem" to "sacerdotem".

41. Footnote 51, second reference: "n. 90" to "n. 59"
"p. 897" to "p. 891".

42. Footnote 52: "n. 34; cf. etiam" to "nn. 30, 34; cf. ibidem etiam".
In second sentence: "a lege liturgica" to "ab hac Institutione generali".
In second sentence: "suam" to "privatam".
In last sentence: "adstantium" to "participantium".
At end of last sentence, what was footnote 53 has been removed.

43. In first sentence: "invitatorio" to "invitatione".
Footnote 54 is now numbered 53.

In fourth paragraph, nine words added: from
"Precis eucharisticae genuflexum" to
"Precis eucharisticae et ante Communionem quando sacerdos dicit Ecce Agnus Dei genuflexum".

Last sentence: "eadem" to "eademque".
In last sentence, two words removed: from "sacerdos durante celebratione proferunt" to "sacerdos proferunt".
In last sentence: "libris liturgicis" to "Missali".

45. Footnote 55 is now numbered 54. "cf." is removed before the second reference.
In last sentence two words are added: from "sacristia et" to "sacristia, in secretario et".

48. Footnote 56 is now numbered 55. It has been moved to earlier in the sentence, from after "approbatus" to after "congruus,".

51. Footnote 57 is now numbered 56. A change in it: "[in ipso Missali]" to ", pp. 1249-1252".

54. In the third sentence a word has been added: from "oratio de" to "oratio collecta de".
Footnote 58 is now numbered 57. Part of the reference has changed:
from "PL 2, 376A" to "CCSL 1, p. 560".
From "SC 67" to "SCh 67".

In the second last sentence: "suam facit orationem." to "orationem facit suam.".

55. Footnote 59 is now numbered 58.
Footnote 60 is now numbered 59.

56. In the last sentence words have been added: from "possunt post" to
"possunt, ex. gr., antequam inchoetur ipsa liturgia verbi, post".
A new footnote 60 has been added at the end:
"Cf. MISSALE ROMANUM, Ordo lectionum Missae, editio typica altera, n. 28."

57. Footnote 61 has changed from "Cf. ibidem, n. 51." to
"Cf. CONC. OECUM. VAT. II, Const. de sacra Liturgia, Sacrosanctum Concilium, n. 51."

59. In the second sentence two words have been added: from "vel ab" to "vel, eo absente, ab".

60. In the second sentence a semicolon has been added. From "praeparantis sive" to "praeparantis; sive".
Another semicolon has been added. From "auscultant sive" to "auscultant; sive".

62. In the first sentence: "alter" to "alius".
In the last sentence: "alter" to "alius".

64. From "post" to "ante".

66. Footnote 65: "augustii" to "augusti".
Footnote 66: "ibidem" to "Cf. S. CONGR. RITUUM, Instr. Inter OEcumenici, diei 26 septembris 1964".

71. In the third sentence a word has been added: "compositae, precationem" to "compositae et precationem".
In the second paragraph two words have been removed: "Proferuntur de more ex" to "Proferuntur ex".

72. In the last sentence three words have been added: "et Sanguinem" to "et ex uno calice Sanguinem".

73. In Footnote 70, the second reference: "Musicam sacram, diei 5 martii" to "Eucharisticum mysterium, diei 25 maii".

74. To the end, five words have been added: from "sociare." to "sociare, etiam sine processione cum donis".

75. In the first sentence a comma has been removed: from "deponuntur, comitantibus" to "deponuntur comitantibus".

77. At the end there is a new paragraph with a single sentence added: "Populus, precationi se coniungens, acclamatione Amen orationem facit suam."

78. A sentence is added at the end. From "sacrificii." to
"sacrificii. Prex eucharistica exigit ut omnes reverentia et silentio eam auscultent."

79. In (a): "festi" to "festivitatis".
Footnote 72: "cf." has been removed before the last reference.
In (h) changed from
"acclamatione: Amen populi, confirmatur" to
"acclamatione Amen populi confirmatur".

83. In the first sentence seven words are added: from "frangit." to
"frangit, adiuvante, si casus fert, diacono vel concelebrante."

At the beginning of the second paragraph a word is removed: from "Dum sacerdos" to "Sacerdos".

Words have been added in the second paragraph from:
"immittit, invocatio Agnus Dei " to
"immittit, ad significandam unitatem Corporis et Sanguinis Domini, in opere salutis, scilicet Corporis Christi Iesu viventis et gloriosi. Supplicatio Agnus Dei".

88. In the first sentence a comma is added: from "opportunitate sacerdos" to "opportunitate, sacerdos".

89. From "ipsarum" to "ipsius".

90. To (c) words have been added: From "sacerdotis;" to
"sacerdotis, ut unusquisque ad opera sua bona revertatur, collaudans et benedicens Deum;"

91. In the first sentence words have been removed. From:
"Ecclesiae, quae est << unitatis sacramentum >>, scilicet" to:
"Ecclesiae, scilicet".
Four words are changed in the first sentence:
"plebs" to "plebis";
"sancta" to "sanctae";
"adunata" to "adunatae";
"ordinata" to "ordinatae".

92. In the third sentence, from:
"Ecclesiae, quae est unitatis sacramentum." to:
"Ecclesiae, << unitatis sacramentum>>."

93. Footnote 81, the order of the two references has been reversed.
In the first sentence three words have been added. From "fideli congregato" to "fideli hic et nunc congregato".

94. In the first sentence the word "diaconus" has been moved. From:
"Post presbyterum, vi sacrae ordinationis acceptae, diaconus primum" to:
"Post presbyterum diaconus, vi sacrae ordinationis acceptae, primum".

98. The heading has been corrected from "II. DE MINISTERIIS" to "III. DE MINISTERIIS"

99. At the end, words have been removed. From:
"debet, quamvis adsint ministri ordinati." to

100. From "destinari" to "deputari".
Footnote 85 has an additional reference: "Codex Iuris Canonici, can. 230.3."

105. In (a) from "disponat" to "disponit".
In (d) from
"Ii qui, aliquibus" to
"Ii, qui aliquibus".

107. A new footnote has been added after "selectis". Footnote 89 is:
"Cf. PONT. CONS. DE LEGUM TEXTIBUS INTERPRETANDIS, responsio ad propositum dubium circa can. 230.2: A.A.S. 86 (1994) p. 541."

In the last sentence, from "dispositiones" to "normae".

111. In the first sentence, three words have been added: from "iuxta libros" to "iuxta Missale et alios libros".

Footnote 89 is now numbered 90. It has been moved to the end of the paragraph.

112. Footnote 90 is now numbered 91.
Footnote 91 is now numbered 92.

113. Footnote 92 is now numbered 93. The order of the second and third reference has been reversed.

114. In the first sentence a comma has been removed. From "<<communitatis>>, dictur" to "<<communitatis>> dictur".
Footnote 93 is now numbered 94.
A sentence has been added to the end of 114: "Secus habitum choralem proprium aut superpelliceum super vestem talarem gestant."

115. In the second sentence a comma has been removed. From "cantu, et".
Footnote 94 is now numbered 95. The first reference is changed from
"S. CONGR. RITUUM, Instr. Eucharisticum mysterium, diei 25 maii 1967" to:

117. In second sentence: "dioecesis" to "dioecesanus".
In the third sentence: "prope" to "circa".
The last word: "distinctus" to "distinctum".

118. In (c) a comma is removed. From "ministorum, et" to "ministorum et".

119. Second word changed. From "secretario" to "sacristia".
In the first sentence a comma is removed. From "diaconi, et" to "diaconi et".
Footnote 95 now numbered 96.
In last sentence two words added. From "si thus" to "si incensum seu thus".

120. In first sentence a comma is removed. From "sacerdos, et" to "sacerdos et".
In (a) two words removed. From "si incensum seu thus" to "si thus".

122. In the second sentence a word is added. From "processione delata" to "processione forte delata".

In the second sentence three more words added. From "secus reponatur" to "secus in loco digno reponatur".

In last sentence a word added. From "Evangelarium super" to "Evangelarium laudabiliter super".

123. First sentence changed. From "accedit" to "ascendit".

124. In last sentence a comma is removed. From "etiam, ipse" to "etiam ipse".

126. Three words changed.From:
"Quando proferendum praecipitur, cantatur" to:
"In celebrationibus statutis, cantatur".

128. In the fourth sentence a comma is added. From "Domini omnibus" to "Domini, omnibus".
In the last sentence a word is removed. From "audierunt breviter meditentur" to "audierunt meditentur".

131. First word changed. From "Deinde" to "Postea".
Another word is changed: From "alter" to "alius".

132. In first sentence a word is changed. From "alter" to "alius".

133. In first sentence a comma is removed. From "thuribulum, et" to "thuribulum et".

134. The reference is changed. From "(cf. nn. 277-278)" to "(cf. nn. 276-277)".

136. A comma is removed. From "ambone, vel" to "ambone vel".

138. In second sentence two words removed. From:
"Deinde diaconus, vel cantor" to:
"Deinde cantor".

In the second sentence a comma is added. From "alius ex" to "alius, ex".

139. In first sentence, last four words removed. From:
"(cf. n. 74), si fit processio donorum." to:
"(cf. n. 74)."

142. In second sentence, two words changed and colon removed. From:
"dicens submissa voce: Benedictus" to:
"dicens secreto Bendictus".

In second sentence, from "opportunite" to "opportunitate".

144. In first sentence, three words added. From:
"imponit atque" to:
"imponit, benedicit nihil dicens atque".

146. In first sentence, a word removed. From: "fratres, etc." to "fratres."
A colon is added. From "dat Suscipiat" to "dat: Suscipiat".

147. In the second sentence a reference is added. From "rubricas seligit" to "rubricas (cf. n. 365) seligit".

In the second sentence two words are changed. From:
"vel a Sancta Sede" to:
"vel ab Apostolica Sede".

149. In the second sentence a word is removed. From "Si sacerdos celebrans" to "Si celebrans".

157. In the first sentence four words are added. From "hostiam, eamque" to "hostiam in eadem Missa consecratam, eamque".

A word has been removed. From "populo semel subdit" to "populo subdit".

162. Footnote 96 is now numbered 97.
Footnote 97 is now numbered 98. Added to the end of the reference is "p. 1253.".

In the last sentence of 162, from "" to "Ss.mae".

163. In the first sentence, from "remanentem" to "remanens".

In the second sentence. From:
"ad latus altaris vel" to
"ad altare vel"

165. In the first sentence. From:
"stans ad altare vel ad sedem, sacerdos" to
"stans ad sedem vel ad altare, sacerdos" .

167. In the second paragraph, from:
"occasionibus, huic formulae benedictionis praemittur, iuxta rubricas, formula sollemnior vel oratio super populum." to:
"occasionibus, haec benedictio, iuxta rubricas, oratione super populam vel alia formula sollemniore ditatur ex exprimitur."

At the end of 167 footnote 99 has been added. It has:
"Cf. Caeremoniale Episcoporum, nn. 1118-1121."

168. A comma is added. From "iunctis subiungit" to "iunctis, subiungit".

173. In the first sentence. From "accedit" to "ascendit".

In the second sentence a word is added. From "Evangeliario super" to "Evangeliario laudabiliter super".

175. In the fourth sentence a word is removed. From "quod laudabiliter super" to quod super".

182. In the second sentence a comma is moved. From:
"ministrat, et distributione" to:
"ministrat et, distributione".

185. Changed from:
"Si adhibetur formula benedictionis sollemnis vel oratio super populum, diaconus" to:
"Si adhibetur oratio super populum vel formula benedictionis sollemnis diaconus".

190. In the first sentence a word is added. From:
"calicem et missale." to:
"calicem, pallam et missale.".

191. In the first sentence. From "sit" to "est".

Footnote 98 is now numbered 100.

192. In the second sentence two words are added. From "acolythus vasa" to "acolythus rite institutus vasa".

195. In the second sentence a word is added. From "locum occupat." to "locum suum occupat."

197. A word has been removed. From "dictam, lector intentiones" to "dictam, intentiones".

199. In (a) from "vespertinam feriae V in" to "vespertinam in".
Footnote 99 is now numbered 101.

In the last sentence of 199, from "feria qunita" to "feria V".

201. Footnote 100 is now numbered 102.

203. In the first sentence, from "maioribus sollemitatibus" to "diebus sollemnioribus".
Footnote 101 is now numbered 103. The footnote has been changed to "Cf. ibidem, p. 565."

204. In (d) 8 words have been added from:
"defunctorum, dummodo" to:
"defunctorum omnes sacerdotes tres Missas celebrare vel concelebrare possunt, dummodo".

The end of 204(d) is changed from "sunt." to "sunt;".

Footnote 102 is now numbered 104.

208. At the beginning three words have been removed. From:
"Si in Missa concelebrata diaconus" to:
"Si diaconus".

212. The second paragraph has been changed. From:

"Quando praeest Episcopus, presbyter, qui, absente diacono, Evangelium proclamat ab eo petit et accipit benedictionem. Quod tamen non fit in concelebratione cui presbyter praeest."


"Incepto Alleluia, omnes surgunt, excepto Episcopo, qui imponit incensum nihil dicens et benedicit diaconum vel, eo absente, concelebrantem qui Evangelium est proclamaturus. In concelebratione tamen cui presbyter praeest, concelebrans qui, absente diacono, Evangelium proclamat, benedictionem celebrantis principalis nec petit nec accipit."

214. The reference is changed. From "(cf. nn. 139-145)" to "(cf. nn. 139-146)".

215. In the second paragraph, from:
"Si adsunt sacerdotes concelebrantes, diaconus eodem suo" to:
"Diaconus suo".

A change is at the end of 215. From:
"post eos." to:
"post sacerdotes concelebrantes, qui circa celebrantem principalem consistunt."

218. In the second sentence:
from "textus" to "verba"
from "percipitur" to "percipiuntur".

222. In (b) a word is added. From "pridie, Simili" to "pridie et Simili".

223. A comma is moved. From "extensis, et elata voce profert." to "extensis et elata voce, profert".

228. Three words are added. From "extensis, profert." to "extensis et elata voce, profert."

231. A word is removed. From "nos et Haec" to "nos, Haec".

Three words are added. From:
"reconciliationis uni" to:
"reconciliationis, et Frates nostros uni".

At the end three words are added. From:
"extensis profert." to:
"extensis et elata voce, profert."

232. A word is removed. From "IV verba Confitemur" to "IV Confitemur".

The last word is changed. From "proferuntur" to "profertur".

234. Words are added. From:
"recordare, uni e" to:
"recordare, et Nobis omnibus uni alterive e".

Words are also added at the end. From:
"extensis, profert." to:
"extensis et elata voce, profert."

235. From "a Sancta" to "ab Apostolica".

236. Words are added. From:
"principali una" to:
"principali et, si placuerit, una".

241. Two words are added. From "principalis dicit" to "principalis, manibus iunctis, dicit".

At the end three words are added. From "Perceptio." to "Perceptio Corporis et Sanguinis."

242. In the last sentence a comma is removed. From "etiam, tradendo" to etiam tradendo".

244. In the last sentence two words are added. From "Corpus Domini" to "Corpus et Sanguinem Domini".

246. In (a) four words are added. From:
"principalis accipit" to:
"principalis, stans in medio altaris, accipit".

In the last paragraph a comma is moved. From:
"calice ipsis a diacono, vel" to:
"calice, ipsis a diacono vel".

A comma is removed. From "etiam, tradendo" to "etiam tradendo".

248. In the first sentence, from "super" to "ad".

249. In the third sentence, from "patenam" to "purificatorium".

In the last sentence a word is added. From "acolythus institutus" to "acolythus rite institutus".

250. From:
"fiunt de more (cf. nn. 166-169) a" to:
"fiunt more solito (cf. nn. 166-168) a".

251. A word is added. From "251. Antequam" to "251. Concelebrantes, antequam".

In the last sentence two words are added. From "principalis altare" to "principalis cum diacono altare".

252. In the heading, two words have changed. From:

254. From "non" to "ne".

255. From:

"Ante Missam calix paratur sive super abacum iuxta altare, sive super altare ad latus dexterum, missale vero ad latus sinistrum opportune collocarri potest." to:

"Ante Missam vasa necessaria parantur vel ad abacum, vel super altare ad latus dexterum."

256. From:
"Sacerdos, facta altari profunda inclinatione, stans ante altare, signat se signo crucis, dicens: In nomine Patris; conversus ad ministrum, eum salutat, unam e formulis propositis eligendo; et peragit actum paenitentialem." to:

"Sacerdos ad altare accedit et, facta cum ministro profunda inclinatione, osculo veneratur altare et sedem petit. Si libet, sacerdos potest ad altare manere; hoc in casu, ibi etiam missale paratur. Tunc minister vel sacerdos dicit antiphonam ad introitum."

257. From:
"Deinde accedit ad altare idque osculo veneratur; vertit se deinde ad missale in latere sinistro altaris, ubi remanet usque ad expletam orationem universalem." to:

"Deinde sacerdos cum ministro, stans, signat se signo crucis et dicit: In nomine Patris; conversus ad ministrum eum salutat, unam e formulis propositis eligendo."

258. From:
"Tunc legit antiphonam ad introitum; et dicit Kyrie et Gloria, iuxta rubricas." to:
"Deinde peragitur actus paenitentialis, et, iuxta rubricas, dictur Kyrie et Gloria.

262. In the first sentence a word is added. From "sacerdos, inclinatus" to "sacerdos, profunde inclinatus".

In the first sentence another word is added. From "et legit" to "et postea legit".

264. From:
"potest, sacerdote intentiones proferente, ministro respondente." to:
"potest. Sacerdos introducit et concludit orationem, minister vero intentiones profert."

268. Three words added. From:
"elevatam super calicem" to:
"elevatam super patenam vel super calicem".

A word is removed. From "ipso semel subdit" to "ipso subdit".

A word is removed. From "conversus, semel dicit" to conversus, dicit".

In the last sentence four words are removed. From:
"Sanguis Christi custodiat me in vitam aeternam et" to:
"Sanguis Christi custodiat et".

269. From:
"Antequam Communionem det ministro, sacerdos dicit antiphonam ad Communionem." to:
"Antequam Communio detur ministro, dicitur a ministro vel ab ipso sacerdote antiphona ad Communionem."

270. From:
"purificat ad latus altaris aut ad abacum." to:
"purificat ad abacum vel ad altare."

273. In last sentence, from "in vicem" to "loco".

274. In the first sentence a comma is removed. From "Domini, usque" to "Domini usque".

In the third paragraph a word is changed. From:
"perveniunt, vel ab" to:
"perveniunt et ab".

275. In (b) a colon is removed. From "corporis: seu" to "corporis seu".

277. In the fourth paragraph a word is added. From "quidem initio" to "quidem unice initio".

In the fourth paragraph the last three words are changed. From:
"cum incensatur altare." to:
"post incensationem altaris.".

281. Footnote 103 is now numbered 105.

282. In the first sentence a word is added. From "Concilium Tridentinum" to "Concilium OEcumenicum Tridentinum".

Footnote 104 is now numbered 106.
Footnote 105 is now numbered 107.

283. In the third sentence. From:
"sacerdoti celebranti opportunum" to:
"sacerdot cui, uti pastori proprio, communitas commissa est, opportunum".

In the third sentence a comma is moved. From:
"Sacramenti vel ritus difficilor evadat, ob" to:
"Sacramenti, vel ritus difficilor evadat ob".

284. In (a) a comma is removed. From "diaconus, vel" to "diaconus vel".

In (b) a word is added. From "Sanguine forte" to "Sanguine Christi forte".

At the end of (b) there is a change, from "componit:" to "componit.".

287. In the first sentence words "calicem" and "vas cum scris particulis" are interchanged. From:
"qui calicem tenet et ad cuius latus sistit minister qui vas cum sacris particulis sustinet." to:
"qui vas cum sacris particulis tenet et ad cuius latus sistit minister qui calicem sustinent."

288. Footnote 106 is now numbered 108.

289. Footnote 107 is now numbered 109.
Footnote 108 is now numbered 110.
Footnote 109 is now numbered 111.
Footnote 110 is now numbered 112.

291. Footnote 111 is now numbered 113. The first reference is now given as "Cf. Ibedem, n. 126;".

294. Footnote 112 is now numbered 114.

295. In the first sentence a comma is removed. From "diaconus, et" to "diaconus et".
Footnote 113 is now numbered 115.

299. The second word is removed. From "Altare maius exstruatur" to "Altare exstruatur".
Footnote 114 is now numbered 116.

303. In second sentence, from "antiquum" to "vetus".

305. In the second paragraph a word is added. From "IV Quadragesimae" to "IV in Quadragesimae".

306. In the first sentence a colon replaces a comma. From "scilicet, Evangeliarium" to "scilicet: Evangeliarium".

A word is added. From "purificatorium, et missale." to "purificatorium, palla et missale.".

309. In the first sentence a comma is removed. From "annuntietur, et" to "annuntietur et".
Footnote 115 is now numbered 117.

In the third paragraph three words are removed. From:
"universalis seu orationis fidelium." to:

Footnote 116 is now numbered 118. Words are added in the reference. From:
"Benedictionibus, Ordo" to:
"Benedictionibus, edito typica 1984, Ordo".

310. Footnote 117 is now numbered 119.

Footnote 118 is now numbered 120. Words are added in the reference. From:
"Benedictionibus, Ordo" to:
"Benedictionibus, edito typica 1984, Ordo".

Footnote 119 is now numbered 121.

311. Footnote 120 is now numbered 122.

312. Two words are removed. From:
"participatio, idest participatio sacramentalis, commode permittatur." to:
"participatio sacramentalis commode permittatur."

Footnote 121 is now numbered 123.

313. Footnote 122 is now numbered 124. Changes are made in the reference. From:
"De benedictionibus, nn. 1052-1054." to:
"De Benedictionibus, edito typica 1984, Ordo benedictionis organi, nn. 1052-1067."

In the first sentence of the last paragraph of 313 a word is added and a word changed. From:
"Tempore Quadragesimae" to:
"Tempore in Quadragesima".

In the last sentence a word is added and a word changed. From:
"(IV Quadragesimae)" to:
"(IV in Quadragesima)".

314. Footnote 123 is now numbered 125.

Footnote 124 is now numbered 126. At the end of this footnote there is an additional reference: "Codex Iuris Canonici, can. 938.3."

Footnote 125 is now numbered 127. Words are added in the reference. From:
"Benedictionibus, Ordo" to:
"Benedictionibus, edito typica 1984, Ordo".

315. Footnote 126 is now numbered 128.

In (a) the reference is changed. From: "(n. 306);" to "(cf. n. 303).".

Footnote 127 is now numbered 129. In the first reference from:
"S. CONGR. RITUUM, Instr. Eucharisticum mysterium, diei 25 maii 1967, n. 53" to:
"Ibidem, n. 53".

In the second reference of this footnote from:
"edito typica, n. 9" to:
"edito typica 1973, n. 9".

In the third reference of this footnote, from:
"Cenae, n. 3" to:
"Cenae, diei 24 februarii 1980, n. 3".

316. Footnote 128 is now numbered 130. In the last reference, from:
"edito typica, n." to:
"edito typica 1973, n.".

317. A comma is removed. From "Eucharistiae, ad" to "Eucharistiae ad".

Footnote 129 is now numbered 131.

318. In the first sentence, from "tendat" to "tendit".

Footnote 130 is now numbered 132.

In the second sentence a comma is removed. From "exhibeantur, et" to "exhibeantur et".

Footnote 131 is now numbered 133. In the first reference, from:
"altaris, cap." to:
"altaris, editio typica 1977, cap.".

In the second reference of this footnote, from:
"Benedictionibus, Ordo" to:
"Benedictionibus, editio typica 1984, Ordo".

At the end this footnote, from:
"exhibentur." to:
"exhibentur, nn. 984-1031."

In the second paragraph of 318, from:
"et in aede sacra ita" to:
"et ibi ita".

Footnote 132 is now numbered 134.

320. A comma has been moved. From:
"confectus, et secundum".
"confectus et, secundum" to:

325. Footnote 133 is now numbered 135.

326. At the end a reference is added. From:
"regionibus." to:
"regionibus (cf. n. 390).".

329. In the first sentence two words are changed. From:
"ex. gr. ebure aut aliquibus lignis" to:
"ex. gr. ebeno aut aliis lignis".

333. Footnote 134 is now numbered 136. In the first reference, from:
"altaris, cap. VII, Ordo" to:
"altaris, editio typica 1977, Ordo".

In the second reference of this footnote, from:
"Benedictionibus, Ordo" to"
"Benedictionibus, editio typica 1984, Ordo".

335. At the end words are added. From:
"benedicuntur." to:
"benedicuntur antequam usui liturgico destinentur, iuxta ritum in Rituali Romano descriptum."

Footnote 135 is now numbered 137. In the reference of this footnote, from:
"Benedictionibus, Ordo" to"
"Benedictionibus, editio typica 1984, Ordo".

336. In the last sentence a comma is removed. From "dalmatica, vel" to "dalmatica vel".

In the last sentence a comma is added. From "normas sola" to "normas, sola".

339. At the end a reference is added. From:
"possunt." to:
"possunt (cf. n. 390)."

342. Footnote 136 is now numbered 138.

343. Footnote 137 is now numbered 139.

346. A sentence is added after paragraph (f). From:
Conferentiae" to:

g) Diebus sollemnioribus adhiberi possunt sacrae vestes festivae seu nobiliores, etsi non sunt coloris diei.

348. Footnote 138 is now numbered 140. In the reference, from:
"Benedictionibus, pars" to:
"Benedictionibus, editio typica 1984, pars".

350. A comma has been added. From "ex. gr. crux" to "ex. gr., crux".

354. In (b) from:
"celebratur sine populo, sacerdos" to:
"celebratur, cuius unus tantum minister participat, sacerdos".

355. In (a) the last word is changed. From "potest." to "possunt.".

Footnote 139 is now numbered 141.

357. At the end of the first paragraph a sentence has been added. From:
"adhibeantur." to:

"adhibeantur. Tempore paschali, iuxta Ecclesiae traditionem, loco Veteris Testamenti, lectio ex Actibus Apostolorum sumitur."

358. In the first sentence, from "appropriatae" to "proprias".

360. At the end of this paragraph new footnote, numbered 142, has been added:
"MISSALE ROMANUM, Ordo lectionum Missae, editio typica altera 1981, Praenotanda, n. 80. "

361. At the end of the first paragraph, after "suadeat", there is a new footnote, numbered 143:
"Ibidem, n. 81."

363. In the third paragraph, from:
"autem per annum, praeter" to:
"autem <<per annum>>, praeter".

In the third paragraph, from:
"dominicae per annum, vel" to:
"dominicae <<per annum>>, vel".

367. The last reference is changed. From "87-88" to "86-88".

368. Footnote 140 is now numbered 144.

373. In the first sentence three words are added. From:
"necessitatibus assumuntur" to:
"necessitatibus vel ad diversa assumuntur".

376. In the first sentence a word is added. From:
"decembris, temporis" to:
"decembris inclusive, temporis".

In the first sentence two words are added. From:
"necessitatibus et votivae" to:
"necessitatibus, ad diversa et votivae".

378. Footnote 141 is now numbered 145.

380. Footnote 142 is now numbered 146. There is an addition at the end. From:
"typica." to:
"typica 1969."

385. There is a new paragraph. From:
"astantes. Specialem" to:


386. Footnote 143 is now numbered 147.

In the second paragraph words have been removed. From:
"ulteriores quaedam aliquae accommodationes et aptationes" to:
"ulteriores aliquae aptationes".

387. Footnote 144 is now numbered 148.

In the second sentence a reference is changed. From: "(cf. n. 202)" to "(cf. nn. 202, 374)".

In the second sentence another reference is changed. From "(cf. 284)" to "(cf. n. 283)".

In the second sentence another reference is changed. From "(cf. nn. 291-294)" to "(cf. n. 291)".

In the last sentence a word is changed. From "sacerdotibus" to "presbyteris".

389. At the beginning a word is added and a word changed. From:
"389. Conferentiis Episcoporum" to:
"389. Ad Conferentias Episcoporum".

At the end of the first paragraph a footnote is added after "adhibeatur". Footnote 149 is:
"Cf. Codex Iuris Canonici, can. 838.3."

390. In the first sentence a comma is moved. From:
"definire, et actis" to:
"definire et, actis".

The first reference is changed. From "(cf. supra, nn. 24, 43)" to "(cf. supra, n. 43)".

At the third -, a word is changed. From "praeparationem" to "praesentationem".

At the sixth -, the reference is changed. From:
"(cf. supra, nn. 160-161, 284)" to:
"(cf. supra, nn. 160, 283)".

At the last -, the reference is changed. From:
"(cf. supra, nn. 301, 329, 332, 342, 345-346, 349)" to:
"(cf. supra, nn. 301, 326, 329, 339, 342-346)".

391. Footnote 145 is now numbered 150.

In the second paragraph of 391 a word is changed. From "proclamationis" to "proclamationi".

392. Footnote 146 is now numbered 151.

393. Footnote 147 is now numbered 152.

In the last sentence three words ared changed.
From "iudicari" to "iudicare".
From "quaenam" to "quasnam".
From "melodiae" to "meloidas".

394. Footnote 148 is now numbered 153. It has been moved from the end of the first sentence, to the end of the first paragraph. The footnote is changed from:
"Normae Universales" to:
"Cf. Normae Universales".

Another change in the footnote, from:
"nn. 48-51; cf. S. CONGR" to:
"nn. 48-51, infra, p. 99; S. CONGR".

Footnote 149 is now numbered 154.

In the third paragraph of 394 a reference has been added. From:
"indicentur Rogationum" to:
"indicentur (cf. n. 373) Rogationum".

Footnote 150 is now numbered 155. The footnote is changed from:
"n. 46; cf. S. CONGR" to:
"n. 46, infra, p. 98; S. CONGR".

395. Footnote 151 is now numbered 156.

Footnote 152 is now numbered 157.

In the last paragraph two words are changed. From "a Sancta" to "ab Apostolica".

Footnote 153 is now numbered 158. A change is from:
"Ibidem" to:
"Cf. Ibidem"

397. Footnote 154 is now numbered 159. A change is from:
"Ibidem" to:
"Cf. Ibidem"

In the second paragraph a word is changed. From "praecellentem" to "pretiosam".

In the third paragraph a word is changed. From "oriundos" to "ortos".

Footnote 155 is now numbered 160. A change is made to the first reference. From:
"A.A.S. 82 (1990) p. 912" to:
"A.A.S. 81 (1989) p. 912".

Another change in this footnote is to the second reference. From:
"A.A.S. 82 (1990) pp. 288, 302." to:
"A.A.S. 87 (1995) pp. 288, 302.".

398. Footnote 156 is now numbered 161.
Footnote 157 is now numbered 162.
Footnote 158 is now numbered 163.

399. Footnote 159 is now numbered 164.

Footnote 160 is now numbered 165. A word is changed, from "PAULI" to "PAULUS". There is an addition at the end of the reference. From:
"Romanum." to:
"Romanum: supra, p. 14.".

Copyright J.R. Lilburne, 10 April 2002. Updated 11 April 2002, 18 August 2002. The Roman Missal is copyright "apud Administrationem Patrimonii Sedis Apostolicae in Civitate Vaticana".


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