
About John Lilburne


Reference to a fourth part which does not exist

In the introduction to the "Masses and Prayers for Various Needs and Occasions" the translation of the 1975 Roman Missal had:

"1. This section gives Masses and prayers which may be used for various needs and occasions.
The texts in the first three parts of this section may be used either in Masses with a congregation or in Masses without a congregation. The texts in the fourth part must generally be used in Masses without a congregation, unless at certain times there is a persuasive pastoral reason for using them in a Mass with a congregation."

(From Roman Missal, Catholic Book Publishing Co., New York, 1985, page 866).

In the 1975 Roman Missal this instruction made sense. There was a fourth part "IV. FOR PARTICULAR NEEDS". It included:

40. For forgiveness of sins
41. For charity
42. For promoting harmony
43. For the family
44. For relatives and friends
45. For our oppressors
46. For a happy death

But in the 2002 Missale Romanum there are only three parts in this section. Unfortunately the rubrics continue to refer to a fourth part, which I have made bold:

"1. Una simul colliguntur, in hac parte, Missae et orationes ad diversa, quae in pluribus rerum adiunctis adhiberi possunt, pro variis necessitatibus aut occasionibus.
Quae inveniuntur in tribus prioribus partibus dici possunt sive in Missa cum populo sive in Missa sine populo celebrata; quae vero in quarta parte colliguntur, dici possunt plerumque in Missis quae sine populo celebrantur, nisi ratio pastoralis aliquando aliter suadeat."

(Missale Romanum, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2002, ISBN: 8820972719, page 1074. On the internet version scroll down to 1074 at www.clerus.org/bibliaclerusonline/DE/0c.htm#cqx ).

Father Martin Wallace O.P. sent an email to me about this.

By J.R. Lilburne, 20 August 2007. I give what I have written on this page to the public domain.

Other sites with information on Fr. Martin Wallace O.P. who emailed me about this:

