Requisites50. For a Basic Mass, according to IG 118, the following are required in the sanctuary: a. next to the priest's chair: the missal and, as needed, the hymnal. b. on the ambo: the Lectionary c. on the side table: chalice, corporal, purificator, and (if useful) pall; paten and pyxides (i.e. ciboriums, pyxes, vessels for
the Blessed Sacrament) if needed; vessel of water to be blessed, if there is a sprinkling; communion plate (this only seems to be required for some methods of receiving communion under both kinds).
the requisites for the washing of hands (this seems to require a jug, a bowl and a towel). 51. The chalice may be covered with a veil, which may be the colour of the day, or white. (The chalice veil was compulsory in GIRM 80, but has been made optional in IG 118). 52. If the vessels are to be cleansed immediately after Mass, they are covered and left on a corporal, either on the altar or the side table (IG 163). This may require an extra corporal and special chalice veil. 53. According to IG 117, the altar is covered with at least one white cloth. On, or next to, the altar are candlesticks with lighted candles. There are to be two, four, or six candles. There is to be a cross, with a figure of Christ crucified, on (or near) the altar. The candles and the cross may be carried in the entrance procession. The Book of the Gospels (if distinct from the book of the other readings) may be placed on the altar or carried in the entrance procession. (IG 117). 54. According to IG 305, flowers should not be placed on the altar. They may decorate the altar by being placed around it. During Lent they cannot decorate the altar, except for the Fourth Sunday of Lent, solemnities and feast days.
55. The chalice, paten, pyx (as necessary), corporal, purificator and missal are not placed on the altar before Mass, but only from the presentation of the gifts to the cleansing of vessels. (IG 306).
56. For a concelebrated Mass, according to IG 207, there is to be one chalice or "several chalices" prepared on the side table. Texts for concelebrants should also be placed in the sanctuary. The concelebrated Mass also has provision for drinking the eucharistic wine through a tube or with a spoon (IG 245), so these may also be required. An extra corporal may be required for the altar, if concelebrants drink from the chalice at the side of the altar (IG 248). 57. For a Mass with only one minister assisting (IG 2002 replaces "assisting" with "participating"), without a congregation, special instructions are given for the preparations before Mass. The chalice is placed either on the side table near the altar, or on the altar. The missal may be arranged on the left side of the altar (IG 255).
58. A Mass with the Liturgy of the Hours will also require copies of the liturgical books for this. 59. For Mass with Children, the Directory for Masses with Children (DMC) 29 says, "If possible, some of the children should take part in preparing and ornamenting the place of celebration and preparing the chalice with the paten and cruets." 60. Mass with Special Groups (Actio pastoralis, 15 May 1969) gives particular directions for preparing Mass in private homes. The table for a meal after the Mass is not, as far as possible, to be the one where Eucharist is celebrated (DOL 2131). The faculty of allowing Mass outside a place of worship is reserved to the local Ordinary. They only grant this if the place is decent and fitting. A bedroom is always excluded (DOL 2125). According to IG 297 for Mass outside a place of worship, when a table is used, it is always to have a cloth, corporal, cross and candles. 61. For the Stational Mass a more comprehensive list of requirements is given, in CB 125. It includes the texts for the general intercessions, both for the bishop and the deacon. For washing hands there is to be a "basin, pitcher of water, and towel" (in Latin "bacile, urceus aquae et mantile"). The items for the offertory procession, "bread, wine, water and other gifts" are to be in a "convenient place", rather than in the sanctuary.
Copyright J.R. Lilburne, 18 March 2002.Updated 15 April 2002, 28 April 2004. |