
About John Lilburne


Ministeria Quaedam

Instituted Lectors

Articles on Instituted Ministers

Bishop Robert Vasa has insitituted men who are not seminarians as lectors and acolytes.

He explains the importance of doing this in an article "Church offices are more than mere functions" of 22 September 2006 at www.sentinel.org/articles/2006-38/14947.html.

Another article on instituted lectors and acolytes is by Fr. Allen Morris on 17 September 2006. The article includes about instituted lectors and acolytes:

"For a number of reasons, but for reasons which from the start seemed both unfortunate and unnecessary, these ministries were restricted to lay men. And because the bishops, not only of England and Wales, but pretty much the whole world, did not wish to exclude women from exercising these ministries, they decided not to institute people to them – except, ironically, those men who were preparing for ordained ministry, who are required to receive these ministries before they are permitted to proceed to ordination."

This highlights the importance of having at least one bishop who is prepared to give an example of following 1972 Motu Proprio of Pope Paul VI "Ministeria Quaedam".

By J.R. Lilburne, 7 October, 2006. I give what I have written on this page to the public domain.

Other sites:

Article by Bishop Vasa

Article by Fr Morris

Catholic Answers Forum on Bishop Robert Vasa