
About John Lilburne


John Paul II on Instituted Ministers

Some references by Pope John Paul II to instituted ministers.

"Another aspect the Plenary Meeting focused on was that of liturgical formation, a fundamental component in the training of future priests and deacons and of instituted ministers and Religious, as well as a permanent dimension of catechesis for all the faithful."

3 March 2005, letter to Cardinal Arinze

"I ask you, lectors, acolytes and extraordinary ministers of holy communion, to become ever more aware of the gift you have received in the service entrusted to you for a more worthy celebration of the Eucharist."

7 October 2004, Mane Nobiscum Domine, n. 30

"In fact, in his Apostolic Letter on ministries in the Latin Church (1972), Pope Paul VI suppressed tonsure, which marked the entrance into the clerical state, and the subdiaconate, whose functions were given to lectors and acolytes. He kept the lectorate and the acolytate; however, they were no longer considered Orders, but ministries conferred by installation rather than by ordination. These ministries must be received by candidates to the diaconate and presbyterate, and are also open to laymen in the Church who want to assume only the responsibilities corresponding to them: the lectorate, as the office of reading the Word of God in the liturgical assembly, except for the Gospel, carrying out certain roles (such as leading the singing and instructing the faithful); and the acolytate, instituted to help the deacon and to minister to the priest."

13 October 1993, General Audience

"In the course of Synod work the Fathers devoted much attention to the Lectorate and the Acolytate. While in the past these ministries existed in the Latin Church only as spiritual steps on route to the ordained ministry, with the motu proprio of Paul VI, Ministeria Quaedam (15 August 1972), they assumed an autonomy and stability, as well as a possibility of their being given to the lay faithful, albeit, only to men. This same fact is expressed in the new Code of Canon Law(Footnote 77: Cf. Code of Canon Law, Can. 230.1). At this time the Synod Fathers expressed the desire that "the motu proprio Ministeria Quaedam be reconsidered, bearing in mind the present practice of local churches and above all indicating criteria which ought to be used in choosing those destined for each ministry"(Footnote 78: Propositio 18).

"In this regard a Commission was established to respond to this desire voiced by the Synod Fathers, specifically to provide an in-depth study of the various theological, liturgical, juridical and pastoral consideration which are associated with the great increase today of the ministries entrusted to the lay faithful.

"While the conclusions of the Commission's study are awaited, a more ordered and fruitful ecclesial practice of the ministries entrusted to the lay faithful can be achieved if all the particular Churches faithfully respect the above mentioned theological principles, especially the essential difference between the ministerial priesthood and the common priesthood, and the difference between the ministries derived from the Sacrament of Orders and those derived from the Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation."

30 December 1988, Christifideles Laici, n. 23

By J.R. Lilburne, 11 April, 2005. I give what I have written on this page to the public domain.

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3 March 2005

7 October 2004

13 October 1993

30 December 1988