1418 L Fri 29 Mar 2002
I was impressed by an article by Tony Abbott which I read
in The Australian on 26 March: "Business has got to be stronger".
He is the federal Workplace Relations Minister and (I think)
a leading contender to be the next Prime Minister of Australia.
From my internet research it seems he was born in 1957 and was
at St Patrick's seminary, in Sydney, from 1984 -1985.
The article is about Workplace Relations, but I see parallels
to issues in the Catholic Church. Here are a few extracts:
The challenge of the next three years is not confined to new
legislation as much as ensuring that workplace culture better
reflects the freedoms and opportunities available (if imperfectly)
under the Workplace Relations Act.
... In this term the Government is likely to focus as much
on enforcing the law as on changing it. ...
Sometimes it's unrealistic to expect small companies or individual
workers to prosecute their rights against unions or large businesses
that have all but bottomless pockets. Where there are clear cases
of abuse of power or breach of the peace by industrial heavyweights,
in fairness to people who would otherwise be denied their rights,
the Government should consider its options for acting as industrial
policeman. ...
Its the duty of police to enforce the law regardless of who
the law-breakers might be. ...
any state government inclined to turn a blind eye to violence
perpetrated by its political allies needs to understand that
freedom under the law is this Government's "light on the
hill". ...
Workers and managers face commercial suicide and the risk
of physical intimidation when they seek to assert the rights
and freedoms people take for granted beyond the factory gate.
They ought to know that the Government is on their side and will
do everything in its power not to let them down.
With regard to liturgical law occasionally there are statements
from Catholic Church hierarchy. For example in the 1998 Statement
of Conclusions:
42. ... Any unauthorized changes, while perhaps well-intentioned,
are seriously misguided. The bishops of Australia, then, will
continue to put their energy above all into education, while
correcting these abuses individually. ...
46. ... Such liturgical formation needs to be followed through
in all the different sections of the Catholic community and at
the various levels in a consistent and permanent fashion. ...
For Good Friday today there was a Communion Service at the
Cathedral. Unlike Mass it does not include the Lamb of God (i.e.
Agnus Dei). Normally after this most people at the Cathedral
kneel. I remain standing, in accordance with the instructions
in the Roman Missal. These are even clearer in the new Roman
Missal which (I think) came into force with its publication last
week. The new General Instruction to the Roman Missal
has added the bold text:
43. ... For the sake of observing a uniformity in gestures
and posture during the same celebration, the faithful should
obey the directions which the deacon or a lay person or the priest
give during the celebration, according to whatever is indicated
in the liturgical books.
Today Archbishop Hart gave the instruction "Please kneel"
before saying "This is the Lamb of God." I do not think
this instruction was following what is in the 2002 Roman Missal.
According to the new General Instruction to the Roman Missal,
n. 390:
It is up to the Conference of Bishops, once their acts have
been given the recognitio of the Apostolic See, to define
for introduction into the Missal itself the adaptations which
are indicated in this General Institutio and in the Order
of Mass, such as:
- the gestures and posture of the faithful ...
But I would be surprised to learn that the Australian Catholic
Bishops Conference has received the recognito to change
the posture here to kneeling instead of standing.
Copyright J.R. Lilburne, 29 March 2002.