John Lilburne's journal about a Sunday in Melbourne, highlighting the excellent contributions being made in the Catholic community.
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Journal2150 K Sun 23 Sep 2001Instead of going to the 1100 Mass at the Cathedral I went earlier, for 0930. Father David Cartwright was the priest and gave a good homily, talking about the movie "Wall Street". I thought he made a good point about people tending to get financial advice, rather than spiritual advice. I went to the earlier Mass so that I would be in time to collect Miranda at 1300. We drove to a convent in Bentleigh, where a group called "Hearts in Action" had a meeting. Three speakers spoke for about 20 minutes on pain and suffering. Angela, who often visits Miranda, was one of the speakers. She spoke very well about her mother and her death about three years ago. Miranda also knew her mother and was very upset. After returning Miranda I went to the meeting of the Kepha group in Mitcham. I arrived late for Father Colin Olerenshaw's talk about the Sacrament of Annointing the Sick. He spoke passionately and in answering questions showed that he knew most of the people by name. Later I spoke with two women, Maria and Lee-Anne, who are going on a two week pilgrimage to Medjugorje next week. All these people (including both priests) are younger than me, under 35. The Catholic Church has lots of problems, which often make the news and which I often write about. But it is also worth pointing out that it is a dynamic and vibrant community, which has people regularly making excellent contributions. Copyright J.R. Lilburne, 23 September 2001. |
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