Contemplate - Launch Out being launched this week.Ê


About John Lilburne



1718 K Thu 23 May 2002

This week Archbishop Hart is starting a two year course called Contemplate - Launch Out. He explains the title in the Kairos magazine: "... We must pray and study to understand, then we are to 'launch out' in order to change the world. ..."

Tonight there is a 24 hour vigil at the Cathedral before the Mass that begins it at 1930 tomorrow.

The themes are being taken from Novo Millennio Ineunte, which the Pope wrote in 2001.

I like the emphasis on prayer the Archbishop presents in Kairos:

... We have the great prayer of the Mass; we have the daily prayer of the Church - a whole treasury in a simple volume; and we have many priests, religious and lay people who are experts in prayer and able to teach many styles and methods of prayer in our tradition. ...

Copyright J.R. Lilburne, 23 May 2002.

Other sites:

Contemplate - Launch Out (Melbourne Archdiocese)

Kairos magazine of Melbourne Archdiocese

Novo Millenio Ineunte