John Lilburne's journal about duty and obligation, referring to Archbishop O'Brien. Richmond losing to Brisbane in the final. Some quotes from "The Kung Fu Book of Caine"Ê


About John Lilburne







1206 K Sat 22 Sep 2001

Another morning spent on a few hours of reading the newspaper. I am impressed with President Bush's speech to congress. The Age newspaper had the full text, but unfortunately The Australian only had an edited version.

Yesterday I went into the city and saw the movie A.I. It was a thought provoking movie, rather than an action packed one. I was impressed with it.

The first reading at Mass today is from first letter of St Paul to Timothy (1Tim 6:13-16). It begins:

Before God the the source of all life and before Jesus Christ, who spoke up as a witness for the truth in front of Pontius Pilate, I put to you the duty of doing all that that you have been told, with no faults or failures ...

I think it contains important things I have been writing about regarding liturgy: "truth ... no faults or failures". It also refers to "duty". There is a report of similar language with the word "obligation" by by Archbishop O'Brien who wrote about the U.S. response to terrorism ``need not arise from a backlash of anger'' or retribution but out of ``a reasonable obligation of immediate and long-range self-defense,'' (

2233 K Sat 22 Sep 2001

Richmond lost to Brisbane tonight in the Australian Football League preliminary final. The final score was:













So they exactly doubled our score. Brisbane have won their last 15 games and tonight they had a home ground advantage. Next week they play Essendon at the MCG for the Grand Final. For Richmond I think it has been their best year since 1982, when they lost the Grand Final. I watched the game on TV. Paul Broderick was carried off at the end, with it being his last game.

When I was in the city yesterday I bought "The Kung Fu Book of Caine" by Herbie Pilato. Its about a TV series with a Chinese monk in America's wild west, that was made in the 1970s. In the Preface Herbie Pilato writes:

I was born into a traditional Italian family and raised a Catholic. In my twenties, I informally excommunicated myself from the church and began to search for something else. I studied Asian philosophies and Eastern religions ...

As a result of all I learned, I eventually rejoined the Catholic church with a new peace. I realized that I am supposed to be a Catholic (this time around!). I recognized that we all share a common humanity and that individuals, when joined together, can become instruments of peace, beacons of light.

Its an interesting book. It includes a description of the main character used by those working on the show, on page 27:

Wyatt, Jesse, Billy - we all know their names. The legends about them are legion. The American West is the cauldron out of which they were born - the western hero.

Lawman or Outlaw, they tend to fit a classic form. Loner, moving outside the pale of whatever social order there was, wanderers, driven men.

Such a man is Caine.

It is interesting to read about how the story is presented, particularly with flashbacks. Maybe I will try using them more in presenting my story.

Copyright J.R. Lilburne, 22 September 2001.


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Military archbishop terms response to terrorism `obligation' on

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