
About John Lilburne


Ministeria Quaedam

Certificate letters


Vinny Lauwers: his task and mine

Yesterday I went to a presentation by Vinny Lauwers. He has remarkable and inspiring story. Aged 22 in about 1990 he was in a motor-bike accident that broke his back and left him a paraplegic. He then built a yacht and sailed unassisted around the world. There is a lot more about this on his website, including a journal of his trip.

I feel my task is daunting: to have the ministry of instituted lector respected, for certificates to given and for them to be used instead of other lay people. For readers to sit in the sanctuary and be included in the entrance procession.

People asked Vinny how he did it. I think he said by systematically working at it.

Part of my frustration is that its not just my actions, its largely about convincing others that the liturgical books should be faithfully followed. But Vinny must have had lots of people to convince as well: friends, sponsers, etc.

On Thursday it will be the 30th anniversary of Pope Paul VI's document Ministeria Quaedam. This enabled men who were not training to be priests to become instituted lectors. A document on permanent deacons is also dated 15 August 1972.

I think its a significant anniversary. But I expect with the limited implementation, at least in Melbourne, there will be little attention given to it.

Today at the cathedral Archbishop Hart again sat for the Gloria. People were confirmed and received a certificate for it, as they should. But my efforts to get a certificate for the ceremony of my institution as a lector have so far been unsuccessful.

Posted by J.R. Lilburne 11 August 2002. I give what I have written on this page to the public domain.

Vinny Lauwers' site:
